Cast Members

Name and Portrait Description
Erica is on her own for the first time. She recently got her Masters in Biology and is working as a lab manager at an undisclosed location. She loves her pets, although she does wonder about how strange they can be at times. She is currently carrying out a war against the frige goo left for her by the previous tenant.
Tripod dreams of one day dominating the world through his superior intellect and technical skill. He has designed an artificial arm to replace the one missing at birth (the real Tripod is missing a limb as well). Unfortunately, his grip on reality can be a bit, shall we say, tenuous.
Scamper doesn't take much very seriously, especially her roommate, Tripod. She's a bit older and wiser and has realised that a good sense of humor is just about the best thing in the world. That, and snuggles. Lots of snuggles.
The Frogs
The two frogs (who seem to resist naming) have been together most of their lives. Their preferred activities include eating, lounging and.... well.... not much else!
The Goo
Due to a sloppy previous tenant, the refrigerator is fully inhabited by an advanced civilization. The two opposing groups, the Fuzzies and the Slimies, are locked in perpetual confict, battling over food and territory. The only thing they hate more than eachother is the giant human monster that periodically rains death down upon them. Viva la Revolution
The Crickets
The frogs live off of live crickets, who have their own takes on the situation. One of them, the intrepid Indiana Cricket (please don't sue me!!), as escaped and is now exploring his surroundings.
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Seriously, ask first.

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